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What Weight Kettlebells Should You Use?
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What Weight Kettlebells Should You Use?

Want to know what weight kettlebells to use for your workouts? Learn how to choose the right kettlebell weight based on your fitness level and goals in this informative post.

When it comes to choosing the right kettlebell weight for your workouts, it's important to consider your fitness level and goals. Starting with a lighter weight allows you to focus on proper form and technique, while gradually increasing the weight as you become stronger. Ultimately, the best weight for you is one that challenges you without sacrificing form. Finding the perfect balance will help you get the most out of your kettlebell workouts and achieve your fitness goals. What Weight Kettlebells Should You Use?

What Weight Kettlebells Should You Use?


When it comes to starting a kettlebell workout routine, one of the most important decisions you'll have to make is what weight kettlebells to use. Choosing the right weight for your kettlebells will ensure that you get the most out of your workouts while also preventing injury. In this guide, we'll discuss how to determine the correct weight kettlebells for your fitness level and goals.

Finding the Right Kettlebell Weight

Now, let's dive into the nitty-gritty details of finding the perfect kettlebell weight for you.

Beginner Level

If you are new to kettlebell workouts, it's best to start with a lighter weight kettlebell to master the proper form and technique. Generally, for beginners, women should start with an 8kg (18lb) kettlebell, while men opt for a 12kg (26lb) kettlebell.

Starting with a lighter weight allows you to focus on your form and safety, preventing potential injuries as you begin your kettlebell journey.

Intermediate Level

Once you have mastered the basics and built up your strength with kettlebells, it's time to challenge yourself with a heavier weight. For intermediate users, women can progress to a 12kg (26lb) kettlebell, while men may opt for a 16kg (35lb) kettlebell.

Gradually increasing the weight of your kettlebell ensures that you continue to progress in your workouts and see improved results in strength and endurance.

Advanced Level

For advanced users who have been incorporating kettlebells into their workouts for an extended period, it's time to step up to the big leagues. Women at an advanced level may choose a 16kg (35lb) kettlebell, while men can use a 20kg (44lb) kettlebell or even heavier if desired.

Using heavier kettlebells challenges your muscles in new ways, helping you continue to build strength and power in your workouts.

Safety Considerations

Remember, while heavier kettlebells can provide a more intense workout, they also come with a higher risk of injury if not used properly. Always prioritize safety by maintaining proper form and technique when using heavier kettlebells to avoid strain or injury.

What Weight Kettlebells Should You Use?

Kettlebell Weight by Exercise

Different kettlebell exercises may require varying weights to effectively target different muscle groups. Here's a breakdown of recommended kettlebell weights for common exercises:

Exercise Recommended Weight for Women Recommended Weight for Men
Swings 12-16kg (26-35lb) 16-20kg (35-44lb)
Turkish Get-Ups 8-12kg (18-26lb) 12-16kg (26-35lb)
Clean and Press 8-12kg (18-26lb) 12-16kg (26-35lb)
Snatch 12-16kg (26-35lb) 16-20kg (35-44lb)

By choosing the appropriate kettlebell weight for each exercise, you can ensure that you are challenging yourself while still maintaining proper form and technique.

Personal Fitness Goals

Your personal fitness goals should also play a role in determining the ideal kettlebell weight for your workouts. Whether you're looking to build strength, improve endurance, or increase muscle mass, selecting the right kettlebell weight can help you reach your fitness goals more effectively.

Strength Training

If your main focus is on building strength, opting for a heavier kettlebell weight will help challenge your muscles and promote muscle growth. Choose a weight that allows you to complete 8-12 reps with proper form while still feeling challenged.

Endurance Workouts

For those looking to improve endurance and cardiovascular fitness, using a lighter kettlebell weight for higher reps and sets can help you build stamina and improve overall fitness levels.

Muscle Mass

If your goal is to increase muscle mass, incorporating heavier kettlebells with lower reps and higher weight can help stimulate muscle growth and increase muscle definition. Utilize a weight that allows you to complete 6-8 reps with proper form while still feeling the burn.

Progressive Overload

Progressive overload is a key principle in strength training that involves gradually increasing the weight, reps, or sets in your workouts to continue challenging your muscles and promoting growth. When choosing kettlebell weights, keep in mind the concept of progressive overload to ensure that you are consistently pushing your limits and seeing results.


Selecting the right weight kettlebells for your workouts is essential to achieving your fitness goals and preventing injury. By considering your fitness level, exercise selection, personal goals, and the principles of progressive overload, you can choose the perfect kettlebell weight to take your workouts to the next level. Remember to always prioritize safety and proper technique to get the most out of your kettlebell workouts. So, what weight kettlebell will you choose for your next workout?

Learn more about the What Weight Kettlebells Should You Use? here.



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